Friday, April 9, 2010

The things we do for love!

What goes on behind the scenes here at The Little Mexican Cooking School, may surprise you. Sometimes we're collecting items from the local expats to deliver to the local school -- Catriona runs the town charity -- sometimes we're doing little arts and crafts projects in the back room like braiding our silken cord for the official cookbooks -- and even sometimes we are putting on lipstick and kissing our cards!

Okay... it's a little design feature to promote the fact that we love our dogs and we bake a line of healthy dog bikkies. Catriona's dog Alex is the official recipe tester and I am not entirely sure that was such a good idea. She loves the bikkies so much that she now comes bounding over to the kitchen each morning, where I am baking, and insists on getting some attention (read: where is my morning treat?) and while, normally a very congenial creature, Alex will actually BARK at me if I don't respond with the aforementioned bikkie.

I suppose it's a good sign. Of course we know dogs love food but this dog is not normally food motivated. Her thing is  love and play. But these bikkies ... there's just a little something about them. We are using all natural ingredients that are healthy for dogs. That said,  I will finally get to recipe test our next Bikkie -- Chocolato For Dogs -- since Luke, who is a friend of the school -- is arriving today from Wisconsin and is bearing the natural chocolate substitute -- carob. Stay tuned for the results. As you might expect, Alex is standing by.

1 comment:

  1. How about showing a picture of Alex for those dog lovers out there!
