It's no surprise to anyone in Puerto Morelos that we love dogs here. Now Mexicans traditionally are not widely known to be big lovers of dogs. But some are, counting among them many of the expats here.
Catriona's dog Alexandra is the sweetest German Shepherd you ever met.
Dogs are our buddies, our walking coaches, our protectors, our barometers for emotion and love. For that we think they deserve special treatment. I thought we should make a line of delicious healthy dog biscuits for our loved ones. We're calling them BesoHueso! (which, of course, means bone kisses in Spanish) Our premiere biscuit is the Peanut Butter 'n Honey. And we are in the midst of recipe testing our special 'dog friendly Chocolato' one. (dogs and chocolate are not a healthy partnership so our version will employ organic carob powder.) Did I mention that Alex is our official recipe tester. And yes, she has given the Peanut Butter 'n Honey Bikkies her lick of approval.